Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Office of the General Treasurer , James A. Diossa, General Treasurer

Record of Testimony

  • Lori Gormley

    In 2011, the state of R.I. passed a piece of legislation commonly referred to as RIRSA. The passage of this law had profound effects upon the lives of numerous public service employees. As a law, it is my belief that RIRSA was neither “fair” nor “just”.

  • Arthur Drummond

    I taught music at North Providence High School for 29 years. I retired in 1997 to answer a call to full time ministry. At the time I was promised an 3% annual COLA as part of my retirement package.

  • Pamela Betres

    Hello and thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts with you regarding the proposed improvements to the teacher pension system.

  • Scott Breguet

    My name is Scott Breguet and I have been a Woonsocket Police officer since Nov. 2009.

  • Roberta Randall

    I am one of the active Rhode Island employees who has severely felt the impact of the Pension Overhaul under Governor Raimondo. I have been a state employee for 30 years with the Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission.

  • Colleen Maher Hourahan

    I retired from the Providence Public School Department in June 2011. My decision to retire was based on numerous factors happening concurrently in Providence ( all teachers were fired, my school closed and a new position was not guaranteed to me). After serious consideration, I chose to retire.

  • Edward Doura

    Thank you for this opportunity to voice my opinion about the 2011 pension reform bill. As a Police Officer in the City of Woonsocket, I paid an additional 1% of my weekly paycheck specifically for the COLA.

  • John Beatrice

    I want to address the issue of the Rhode Island State Police Retirees Cola situation and give you a little background on what we all went through to earn our Cola.

  • Cliff Hamm

    As the pension advisory group winds down, a recommendation will be forthcoming. If the recommendation is based only on financials the COLA will not be restored. If it is based on ethics it will be. I have written to many of the state leaders and General Assembly members.

  • Matthew Oliver

    I am a municipal police officer for the City of Woonsocket. Our pension payment weekly is tied to how many hours we work. Officers that work overtime shifts pay more into a pension that will only return a set amount, and without recent cost of living increases for many years.