Patricia Young


My story:  I retired as a guidance counselor at East Greenwich HS in 2000.  Things were going well (treading water) until my husband passed in 2020.  I cannot get any of his Social Security  pay because of the offset-provision.  BUT, I can have access to his Medicare because we were married; so each month I am paying $174.00 for the privilege of being medically covered.  That comes out of my income.  

I listen to others and the news reports that each year it seems that there is a bump in people's social security payments.  None for me unfortunately.

I write not only for myself but for those unmarried teachers (who might have taught you, my reader,) who are not even eligible to pay Medicare because they lack the necessary quarters.  It is like a double whammy for them.  Where do they get the money for increased prices for food, services, etc.?  

I urge the committee to help us--maybe a payment every odd year or a small uptick in our monthly state payment.--something that shows the state cares for us.  After all, many of "us" taught you basic skills or coached you or guided you as you went through your schooling.

Thank you for reading my testimony.

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