Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Office of the General Treasurer , James A. Diossa, General Treasurer

Patrick A. Hannigan


I served as an administrator in RI for many years. ( Housemaster Lincoln Jr. Sr HS 1980- 1987; Principal Ponagansett Middle School 1987-1999, Director of School Improvement West Warwick School System 1999-2004; then as a lecturer at URI from 2004-2005. With the exception of the 8 years at Lincoln I have paid into both retirement and Social Security. Upon retirement I received a retirement pension of $57,000.I have two issues:

a.) As an administrator I worked and paid retirement on a 12 year contract. Teachers paid on a 10 month contract. That is 24 years times 2 months of payments or 4 years that I receive no credit for. (I did purchase my military time giving me 29 years in the system).

b.) I have not gotten the promised COLA in all the years since my retirement other than a small one time non inclusionary social security was cut in half because of my time in Lincoln, a non participatory system.

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